
Monday, August 13, 2018

The end of the Hundo Era

One of the greatest blessings I've had the last five years was living on the same street as two of my college friends - one of which was one of my roommates. We didn't exactly plan for this to happen, but it did, and it was amazing. We had four years on the same street with my roommate who then moved in town, and and five years with my other college friend who moved to another state just last month. In that five year stretch we had a combined ten babies (three in 2013, one in 2014, two in 2015, one in 2016, and three in 2017). We had countless play dates and took even more than countless afternoon walks around the neighborhood and to the playground. While we still get to see my roommate and her kids at church, in small group, and around town, we had to say goodbye to our other friend and her kids for now as they departed for their next adventure. It was an amazing run, and I could not be more grateful for the time we had living together. We were in the trenches of early motherhood and what a glorious gift these two women were to me during these years!

Eleanor's request before her sweet friend Amelia moved was to celebrate her birthday with Amelia and Hannah. We ended up doing her birthday party a month early with these two families as a combination birthday and an "End of the Hundo Era" party - we call our neighborhood "the Hundo." It was a great goodbye and I believe I'll always look back on these years together with gratitude and a bittersweet feeling wishing it could have continued forever. But change is the only constant, and we are so happy our friends have had these opportunities.

I could probably write a book about how awesome it is to live on the same street with your besties, but suffice it to say, if you ever get the opportunity, it is worth it.


LA-jan said...

How cool is that! What a great start to starting a family.

Dorothy said...

You were all lucky to have each other! Good times!!! Love that cake for Eleanor! Yum!!

Lauren said...

So sad to have to say goodbye to such great friends, but what a blessing to have each other through such a pivotal time in life!