
Thursday, September 6, 2018

Labor Day weekend

We said goodbye to summer with a bang this year. On Friday, we headed to Busch Gardens for our last trip of the summer. Jane was finally tall enough to ride Grover's Alpine Express and while she said she liked it, she didn't want to go on it a second time.

On Saturday we went to Water Country for the last time. We also switched Eleanor to a bigger bike so Jane could start riding the small bike with training wheels.

On Sunday afternoon we headed to the pool with some friends. 

Monday we decided to ride our bikes to Jamestown Beach for a picnic lunch and swim. Eleanor rode 5.5 miles - we were very impressed with her! I ended up having to ride back with a flat tire on the bike trailer carrying myself, Jane, Ben, Rosie, and all our beach stuff - it was a HARD ride!

And that afternoon, we took baths - the kids first bath all together! - and Eleanor took her last regularly scheduled nap, because school started Tuesday!

Fall, here we come!


Lauren said...

What an awesome way to end the summer! So cute you were able to get a bath picture of all the kids too <3

Dorothy said...

Love that bath pictures. Jane looks so grown up in that bumper car picture. I bet that sleeping E is after a full day at school!!!