Ben is ten months old today! About three weeks ago he finally started sitting up independently and it has been a game changer! This summer has been very challenging for me with four kids four and under and very little help, but every since Ben learned to sit, things have gotten significantly easier. Since Ben has started sitting, Ben and Rosie have started bonding with each other more, playing together a bit more, and laughing and babbling with each other. It is so sweet to see! Ben also started clapping this month, and is definitely signing milk to us when he wants to nurse. He slept through the night this entire month with a dream feed before I go to bed at night (which we finally cut out this wee). He continues to take a morning and afternoon nap and is still enjoying food, though he went through a stretch of a week or two where he decided not to eat anything and had an intermittent fever so we think he had some kind of virus. He's doing much better now and is back to our smiley, happy boy!

Ben at one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, and nine months old.
Ben and Rosie:
All the kids at ten months!
(These pictures were taken about two weeks before Eleanor learned to walk and a week after Jane learned to crawl, so they wouldn't lay down on the blanket for pictures anymore!)
Eleanor at ten months.
Jane at ten months.
Rosie at ten months.
Love this big boy! I can't wait to get back with these two ans watch them playing together!
What a big month! I can't wait to see them interacting!
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