
Monday, September 17, 2018

The babies found their toes and other videos

I wrote this in June...and never published it! But then wanted to share it now because Ben finally found his toes - just 2.5 months later!

Rosie found her toes! It has been so interesting watching the twins develop because they are developing at completely different times. The other week Rosie found her toes and ever since then she has been grabbing them and trying to put them in her mouth. It's so cute. Ben still doesn't know his exist :)

And now, as you can see from the picture below, Ben finally found his!

And a few more videos I found of the twins interacting...


Lauren said...

I loove these videos! How cool that Rosie and Ben are interacting so much now!

Dorothy said...

Thanks for sharing these. I have to get my arms around these four cuties!!!