
Monday, October 15, 2018

Friday afternoon snapshot

The other weekend while I was gone, Chris put together a little video of their afternoon on Friday to send to me. It was so cute that I wanted to post it. He was hanging strong all weekend with our four while all the other dads had reinforcements in the form of their parents in town to help. What an awesome dad :) 


Patty said...

This is so incredibly sweet! Was this the weekend you were away? I love it so much!! What an amazing dad he is!! Proud of you Chris...

Dorothy said...

This is so sweet!! I love that the kids had such a good time! Great job Chris! Love the music and all the smiles! So glad you got to get away Katie!

Lauren said...

This is soooo sweet! I love it - way to go Chris! I'm sure he was missing you by the end of that weekend. So happy you got a chance to get away with some friends!

LA-jan said...

The Best Ever!!