
Thursday, October 25, 2018

Ten year reunion/W&M Homecoming

W&M Homecoming was this past weekend and it happens to be Chris and my ten year reunion. It's been awhile. It was a bit of a nostalgic weekend for me when I could take a second and pause (which was very infrequent because Chris was working the whole weekend). Chris and I met thirteen years ago on the very same uneven bricks that our kids ran down this weekend to attend a few Homecoming events and the parade. I certainly didn't imagine life would be like this when I was in school, but it is so rich, and so much better than I could have imagined it. How very lucky I feel to be able to say that!

It was also Ben's and Rosie's first homecoming!

On Friday we went to the Homecoming parade. Chris' department had a float in it - one of the best ones I thought! We walked down in CW to watch the parade roll by. The kids got tons of candy and had a blast.
(Chris' team's float)

From there we headed to the tent Chris was working at and had tacos for dinner.

Chris' brother was staying with us for the weekend because he had his engagement party in town Saturday evening! It was fun to have some family be around for what is always a big/busy weekend for us.

On Saturday we headed to campus for the basketball scrimmage. It was very rainy while we were walking there so everyone got soaked, but we were still glad to be there! Rosie got a little tired and fell asleep in the stroller on the way back to the car.

The rest of the weekend was filled with the engagement party and family. Overall it was a good, albeit rainy, Homecoming. Cheers to ten years!


Dorothy said...

Big weekend! Congratulations on TEN years and the engagement party for Rob. That is awesome! I love the picture of Ben with the basket balls and Chris with the babies and all the parade pictures! Looks like so much fun!

Patty said...

These pictures are all so amazing! Ben and Rosie look like little Tribe elves! And what a beautiful Tribe you have! SO MUCH has happened in 10 short years...I can't believe it's been 10...

Lauren said...

How sweet and nostalgic, congratulations! Seriously, what an amazing 10 years. I'll feel very lucky if Eric and I can say the same at 10 years!