
Thursday, December 6, 2018

Christmas Parade and visiting Santa

This past weekend we went to the Williamsburg Christmas Parade downtown. It's fun to see all the floats and Ben particularly loved it this year! He recently learned to wave, so it was so sweet to watch him very seriously wave at all the floats as they passed by. It was raining during part of the parade, which obviously wasn't fun, but relatively warm so no one was too cold or miserable.

After the parade we took the kids to go see Santa. We continue to go to the same Santa every year, and Eleanor and Jane both did great, though Jane didn't talk. Eleanor asked Santa for a watch (she's always so practical - last year it was slippers and a belt). Ben and Rosie did relatively well for their first Santa visit they were awake for. Last year they were asleep for this!

I love Williamsburg at this time of year. More traditions to come...


Lauren said...

I love these pictures! But why doesn't Santa smile??

Lauren said...

Also love E and J's outfits :)

Dorothy said...

These are great! So cute and B & R did good!