
Thursday, December 20, 2018

Jane's Christmas pageant

Jane had her Christmas pageant at school last week. The three-year-old classes sang three songs. "Angel Band," "Bells Are Ringing," and "We Wish You A Merry Christmas." These are preserved here for those brave souls who can't get enough of our sweet Jane. It was a great little pageant with videos of the kids explaining Christmas, presents they would bring to Jesus, and other funny/sweet comments. Jane sang her heart out. Coach Anne came to support Jane and help me corral babies during the performance!

Eleanor was sad to miss her sister sing - she wanted us to pick her up from school to come watch and then bring her back. When I told her she'd have to miss lunch to do that she changed her mind! I let her watch the videos of Jane singing, and Eleanor did let Jane wear her dress (the same dress Eleanor wore in her pageants, graduation, and Antelope's wedding, among about a wear every 10 days or so in between), which was very sweet.


Lauren said...

She sure did sing her heart out! I love the 30 second songs haha. Way to go Jane!

Dorothy said...

I think I could hear Jane singing in the first video. She was into it!! Great job!