
Friday, December 21, 2018

Pre-Christmas visit to Lorton

We got to go up to Chris' family's house early to spend time together because his sister and brother-in-law were in town from Colorado for the week but weren't going to be able to be there on the actual holiday itself.

They introduced us to Katie Morag - a Scottish storybook character and we are hooked! Auntie Erika took a trip to Scotland and brought a book back for the kids. Plus, I love that she has my name :)

Everyone was able to come over at the same time on Sunday evening for dinner. It was so nice to be able to have everyone in one place.

We took pictures of the kids wearing Santa hats. Lance took the one below of Ben and the one of Ben and Rosie together.

We relaxed and played games.

We ran down to a neighbor's house to see their train set up, which was quite incredible.

And Papa Laser even wore a Christmas Llama onesie.

Visiting with family is what Christmas is all about!

1 comment:

Dorothy said...

Such wonderful times! So glad you were all able to be together! I love the Rudolf nose! Great pictures!