
Monday, January 7, 2019

Christmas away

After our Christmas morning and the babies' naps, we drove up to northern Virginia to visit Chris' family. We had a great time exchanging gifts with everyone, playing games, and eating great food.

We did the Stratton's annual stair picture (the day after Christmas!)

Played new games...

And visited with family...almost everyone was around on the day after Christmas and those that weren't were surely missed.

After, we headed out to Round Hill for a few days to visit my family. My sister and her husband flew out from San Diego and we hadn't seen her in 6 months. It was great to have a solid amount of time together, especially not knowing yet when it will come again!

We celebrated Christmas morning on the 27th when everyone could be together.

That afternoon Dave lit a burn pile and we watched that burn (and then continue to smolder the following day).

We did a lot of sitting around playing games, but one day my mom, sister, and I went out thrifting, and then the boys headed out to the local breweries the next day. We also took one morning stroll by the river while Chris stayed home with the napping babies. By the end of the walk, Jane was tired!

My mom and Dave took Eleanor and Jane to their church with them Sunday morning. They were the only kids there - little celebrities! I wasn't even aware that it was Sunday when that day rolled up, we had been out of our routine so long!

We had dinner with Shug and Rachael in Berryville...

Ben found a love for cats (poor Duncan!)

Ate lots of food, played games, and took baths...

And Rosie learned a new trick - she climbed up the stairs!

Overall it was a great week away from home visiting the people we love!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all!


Dorothy said...

Family and the holidays....nothing better!

Patty said...

These pics make me so happy! Such beautiful memories. Family is the est! Thank you for your efforts to be with us!!