
Thursday, January 10, 2019

New Years

This year, New Year's Eve was perhaps the least exciting New Year's Eve of my memorable life. We came home late afternoon that day after being on the road for a week, started unpacking, made dinner, and the kids were begging to go to bed by 6:00 pm after a week of not napping. We put everyone in their beds and Chris and I sat on the couch and then fell asleep before midnight!

We spent New Year's Day relaxing. Eleanor's friend from Florida was in town for a couple days and we agreed to watch her for the day because her mom had something to do. The girls played and we did a walk/scavenger hunt out in the woods with cameras. Here was the list (written by Eleanor):
(Pinecone [pincone], water [wadr], rock [roc], animal [animl], stick [stic], bridge [brig], leaf [lefe], tree [chre], person [prsin], field [felde], house [has], bug [bug], acorn [acorn], frog [frog], bird [brd]) I'd say she did pretty well considering she only learned to read last month. And all of her G's are backwards.

The girls played outside for the rest of the afternoon, too. We were so glad for the opportunity for these two to spend the day together!

In terms of the new year itself, typically I like to set some goals (less resolution-type - more areas to focus on or a couple projects to accomplish). Honestly though, I haven't really had time to sit down and think about them! I know a few house projects that I'd like to get done this year (mostly related to cleaning), but otherwise have not had time to reflect. Maybe soon... Happy New Year!


Dorothy said...

Impressive writing! Such a nice start to the new year!

Patty said...

The pics on New Years Eve are simply precious! Love your creativity with the scavenger hunt and way to go E on writing - so impressive!