
Monday, January 14, 2019

Jane is riding!

Typically I think of fall as my favorite time of year for bike riding, but I've recently come to realize that we ride bikes all the time - all year through. A couple of friends have asked to borrow various bikes recently (for themselves, or family in town) and it's made me realize how much we rely on using them! I feel a little bereft when I realize we can't ride because someone has borrowed a bike!

Well, a couple weeks ago Jane (at 3 years and 3 months old! And basically a year earlier than Eleanor who was 4 years and 2 months old) learned to ride a bike without training wheels! We are so proud of her! She has been working so hard!

Since then she has been practicing on the way to the bus stop in the morning and afternoon. We've also taken a few evening rides (Jane not on her bike).

And a few unorthodox ones...

Also, Eleanor has gained a little bit more independence recently! She's headed off into the neighborhood on her bike with friends, a watch, and a walkie-talkie to check in and has disappeared for an hour! I know she's not even 5 and a half yet (the other girls are older), but sometimes she sure seems older. And she absolutely loves her freedom!


Dorothy said...

Wow! I love that the walkie talkie lets her be able to check in! Did they go to the park? She must have had a great day!

Patty said...

So glad that you take every opportunity to get outside. You're teaching them well! Love the sunset pics!