
Monday, February 25, 2019

Ben is a boy, and he's catching up

Ben has always been a fair bit behind Rosie in terms of his gross motor development, but has always done better than her in terms of communication. They both have their strong suits. Lately though, Ben has been working very hard to catch up to Rosie. Rosie is now taking steps (several in a row, though still not "walking") and Ben is working to stand without holding on to things. He's closing the gap with these skills much faster than he used to. I believe he's getting motivated by being left behind!

Here's a video Chris sent me while I was at work the other day of Ben working hard to stand. Apparently he was getting very frustrated (he hits his head or pulls his ears and cries when he's frustrated) when he couldn't get the balance right.

The other thing about Ben is that he gets into all sorts of mischief that the none of the girls got into, so we end up having to watch him like a hawk. Here for instance: Chris was getting something out of the attic and I walked over to find him trying to climb the attic stairs.