
Thursday, February 14, 2019

Birthday weekend

We had a very birthday-filled weekend. In fact, on one Saturday, the girls had two separate birthday parties to go to AND Chris and I hired sitter to go to William & Mary's 326th birthday/Charter Day gala.

The girls wore their dresses from Singapore to the parties (though Jane wore the big one and Eleanor the small).

The first party was "blue" themed and the girls got to paint. And the second party I ended up taking just Eleanor and Jane to while Chris stayed home with the babies and got ready for the sitter.

Me and my girls:

Then Chris and I went to Charter Day! It was a nice night out.

Happy birthday to all!


Dorothy said...

You guys look great! Fun to get away for night like that! Nice that the girl got to wear their Singapore outfits too! Cute!

Patty said...

The girls look beautiful in those dresses and you both looked amazing at the W&M dinner! Glad you got a night out together!!