
Monday, February 18, 2019

Rosie is fifteen months old!

Rosie is fifteen months old! She is still tiny! The doctor has switched the babies to the WHO growth curves from the CDC ones because they are better suited to premature kids apparently so percentiles are now from those. Rosie weighs 18 pounds (8th percentile), is 28 inches long (<1st percentile and 42% of the way to my adult height), and her head circumference is 18.25 inches (69th percentile). She took her first step just last week! She is still a far cry from walking, but it should be soon. She also learned how to touch her nose and find her tongue.

Rosie is a great sleeper at night but a very early riser - usually between 6 and 6:15. She goes to bed around 7 to 7:15. We are in the middle of transitioning her to one nap a day. She is still very tiny (official stats coming next week), but eats a fair amount when she wants to. She is standing all the time, and continues to babble a little bit, but is quite behind her brother in terms of ability to talk and sign. Her favorite method of communication remains loud noises. She generally just yells and screams while staring at things when she wants them. She has a very loud voice! I guess being the "baby" of the family, she feels competition to be heard in this crowd.

She loves praise and you can tell she is so proud of herself whenever she learns something new. She loves her big sisters and is completely trusting of Eleanor but remains quite wary of Jane (rightly so). She loves playing with both of them though. She also loves taking baths, splashing, dancing, as well as her pacifier. She also recently started blowing kisses. Her hair is getting longer and is finally long enough to put little pig tails in. She also (in addition to the front four teeth and bottom two that she had at one year) has four new molars as of the last two weeks. We love our tiny, spunky Rosie.

This one is the best "walking" video - so cute!

Rosie at one, twothreefourfivesixseveneightnineteneleven, and twelve months old.

All the kids at fifteen months:

Eleanor at fifteen months.
Jane at fifteen months.


Patty said...

These videos are so precious! She looks so proud of herself! I'm cracking up at being wary still of Jane!! Such a cutie...can't believe she's 15 months!

Dorothy said...

Almost walking! The videos are the best!!!