
Thursday, February 7, 2019

Diaper Derby

Every year at the W&M basketball gold rush game they have a diaper derby as a halftime show. The babies need to be between 6 and 12 months of age and crawling, but not yet walking. Because of the time of year our kids were born, none of them have been able to participate, but even though Ben and Rosie were the latest babies born, by the time the diaper derby rolled around for the second time in their lives, we asked for a special exception to enter them because they still aren't walking and they let them in! It is always very entertaining. Ben didn't leave the starting block and stared around at all the commotion the entire time. Rosie had a delayed start but ended up crawling pretty steadily after a ritz cracker. Another baby won, but we had fun entering ours.

Rosie and Ben in their matching onesies from Antelope!


Lauren said...

This is SO cute! I can't believe they're finally starting to fit in those onsies!

Dorothy said...

The diaper derby was SO fun! Love it! I agree...those outfits are adorable!