I've heard the saying "boys will be boys" several times throughout my life and I know more recently it's taken on a negative connotation, particularly as it relates to grown boys, but I have really never experienced the innate differences between boys and girls until Ben came along. Ben is the king of destruction. He moves from one cabinet, drawer, closet, to the next just pulling everything out, down, etc. and leaves a path of mess in his wake. The other day I couldn't find him right away and all I needed to do was walk into the kitchen for evidence of his destruction. I have to do a lot more "tidying" in my life with Ben in it than I ever had to do with any of the girls. 
At least he is kind of cute and definitely good humored - he is the easiest of the kids to get to laugh or smile. He just generally has a happy disposition compared to the others.
This is too much! LOL!!!
Boy oh boy, I have that same picture of Taylor! Ha!
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