
Monday, April 1, 2019

March wrap-up

March was a little warm and a lot cold, but we got some great outdoor time!

Ben and Rosie love this little rocking chair in Eleanor and Jane's room.

Jane has been working hard on learning her letters at school.

Ben has been saying "vroom" now when he plays with cars, haha!

I was cleaning up one day and found this "story" Eleanor wrote in her notebook. "Hallelujah, hallelujah. My home is banished. It is not here any more in the tornado anymore, too. I am sad. Hallelujah, hallelujah. It is Monday and a tornado is here!!!!!!!!!!!"

The babies have been rocking sunglasses and goggles.

The girls wore matching pajamas one day.

Ben got his hand stuck in the metaphorical cookie jar the other day, and it was hilarious. I kept pulling his hand out and less than 30 seconds later he'd be crying again stuck.

Bus stop crew.

Ben with socks for hands.

The girls made muffins for our neighbors the other day. It was a mess but they had a great time.

One of the babies' favorite activities right now is running around with a bouncy ball. They entertain themselves so well with it!

Ben napping.

We went to a nearby brewery the other weekend and somehow Eleanor, Jane, and Brady found an old Christmas tree in the woods and literally carried it around the whole brewery. People were pretty entertained watching them.

Rosie tried to put a tiara on Ben the other day. He seemed fairly tolerant of her attempts. 

The babies love the bath.

The babies also love balloons

I've been finding selfies on my phone recently, so I guess we are entering that life stage.

Rosie rode on the bike seat for the first time and enjoyed it.

We got free Rita's on the first day of Spring!

Eleanor made a chair for a bear with marshmallows and tooth picks at book club.

I got to go to my soon-to-be sister-in-law's bachelorette party in Charlottesville last weekend!

We got free Bruster's for wearing our PJs!

The babies taking naps are still one of my favorite sights.

Onward to April! And hopefully a bit more consistent warmer weather!

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