
Monday, March 11, 2019

Shower and shopping excursion

We had a weekend full of wedding festivities recently! First, the girls and I were invited to a bridal shower. Eleanor and Jane (along with our other flower girl) behaved beautifully and were so into the gift opening. Jane particularly stayed glued by Mollie's side the entire shower "helping" while the other girls went of to play.

They enjoyed cupcakes and coloring, as well as playing with the host's doll house. 

For Christmas, Eleanor and Jane got "coupons" to go shopping with Uncle Robert and Auntie Mollie for shoes for the wedding. Last Sunday, the girls and I drove up to meet them in Richmond (with the ring bearers and other flower girl) to shop. The girls were very excited and ended up with unicorn Converse high tops! They are going to put rainbow shoe laces with them.

All the girls in matching Converse (tried on for size, then they ordered the ones they wanted).

We ended the day with a trip to a nearby cupcake place for a treat.

The girls had such a special weekend and ask me almost daily when the wedding is going to be. Luckily they need only wait until next month!


Dorothy said...

What fun! They look so happy to be involved. They are going to love the wedding!

Patty said...

These pictures are priceless! Seeing the girls at the shower was such joy! I love their excitement! And the pics of Mollie and Rob with the crew...whew!!