
Monday, March 18, 2019

VIP day with Jane

At our preschool, the kids get to have a VIP day (very important person), where they get to invite someone to their class. Jane invited Chris and she was soooo excited for him to come!

Jane got to show him her classroom, have a special snack together, take pictures, decorate a frame, make a bracelet, and a few other activities.

When I picked her up that afternoon, she kept saying, "I wonder if we can have another VIP day soon!" This girl sure does love her daddy. So much so that often throughout the day she calls me daddy and expects me to answer to it, haha! He is certainly her default person!


Dorothy said...

A very special day for Jane!

Patty said...

I'm so glad Chris could take the time to do this. Sweet Jane won't forget this! <3