
Monday, June 3, 2019

May wrap-up

May was hot and busier than I initially expected. For one thing, my sister moved here! To the same town as us! Which is a dream come true. Chris traveled for work, kids got sick, preschool ended, and we started planning summer activities.

The biggest thing this month, mentioned about, was that Lauren and Uncle Benny moved here!

Rosie has been having fun sitting on bikes.

Ben and Rosie got matching denim outfits from Antelope.

Jane's school had a muffins with mom morning that was fun to attend.

Ben and Rosie have loved playing with the water table.

Jane learned some new songs.

Ben and Rosie have been waving bye to Chris when he leaves in the morning and it's adorable.

Chris has started teaching Eleanor and Jane geography in the evenings, and they love it!

We've taken lots of walks.

We've gone to Busch Gardens a few times.

We went to Water Country when it opened last week.

Ben and Rosie got put into the stocks in Colonial Williamsburg.

Chris went to Denver and was able to visit Erika and Jonathan (and Jonathan sent bread home with Chris for us!).

We started P.O.E.T.S. back up.

We've taken bike rides - Jane's distance record is now 6 miles round trip. I am continually impressed with how far she can go as a three year old!

We've taken lots of naps.

Ben finished therapy for the foreseeable future! We sure will miss his therapist.

And we helped Auntie Lo and Uncle Benny unload their stuff! We had all the stuff into their house in 46 minutes!


Patty said...

Wow, so many good pictures! Welcome Lauren & Eric...looks like a really nice neighborhood! Yay Ben for finishing therapy and love the pic of them both walking down the street. Love Chris' geography pointer :-) !! Great job Jane on the bike riding - wish I was closer so I could go too! <3

Dorothy said...

This is all wonderful!! It's a Good Life!!!