
Monday, July 22, 2019

Artwork - summer 2019 edition

I realized the kids don't do nearly as much artwork during the summer as they do during the year because we spend most of our time outside. I got them to come in so we could take a picture of their doors and clear the artwork for the next round! Eleanor had a bunch of stuff from the end of the year, but Jane's was fairly sparse. 

Eleanor: Some of my favorites include her self-portrait that she did at the beginning of the year (but it came home at the end) right next to the doorknob. I love the cardinal in the tree right next to it, too. I also love the almond blossoms (pink flowers on blue background - I think modeled off Van Gogh!) and at the top right she did a picture of her, Jane, and Rosie together. At the bottom, she did a picture saying that her favorite part of Kindergarten was the time they baked gingerbread cookies and they ran away and had to set a trap to catch them again. I also love her brutally honest comments in the center of her door that says, "Jane is miserable with the babies" which is occasionally true. Hah!

Jane: Jane finished school in May, so she hasn't been bringing much home this month, but I do love the bird's next she made in brown by her head and then her "masterpiece" - a butterfly picture she made for her preschool's fundraiser A Night At The Museum.


LA-jan said...

This is such a cool thing to do, I love this!

Dorothy said...

I could use of few of these to decorate the attic!

Patty said...

Love E's cardinal and the almond blossoms...and Jane's butterflies! Great way to remember!!