
Thursday, July 4, 2019

Eleanor's first meet!

Eleanor decided she wanted to do swim team this year (she wanted to last year but we figured she wasn't ready, and I wasn't really ready for the commitment either). Chris was excited, and I was mostly excited because the commitment level is high, but we had nothing else going on this summer. She wasn't ready to swim in the first meet, and the second meet got rescheduled due to a thunderstorm, but she swam in her first meet this week! 

A week earlier it was taking her 8-10 minutes to get across the pool, but for the first time, she made it across the pool without stopping - and in under a minute! We were so impressed and proud of her for working so hard. Her official time was 55.66 seconds for her first 25 free. 

Also, it was super hard to keep these three safe and happy, while also trying to watch Eleanor swim.

She was so excited about her ribbon!

Her first swim, for those of you who couldn't be there:


Patty said...

We are SO PROUD of Eleanor and how well she did! Can't wait to be there in person. And I remember full well, dragging along twins to years worth of swim meets before it was their turn!! Way to go Eleanor!!

Dorothy said...

So unbelievably exciting!! SO very Proud of Eleanor! She did fantastic and worked so hard to get to this point. Awesome!!!

LA-jan said...

Yeah E!!

LA-jan said...

Yeah E!!