
Monday, July 1, 2019

June wrap-up

June has been great. It has been hot with a lot of evening thunderstorms, though. School has ended, swim team (the best worst thing as one of my friends put it) has started, and we have loved having Eleanor home all day recently. Chris finally wrapped up his fiscal year, and we are looking forward to two solid months of summer now with more relaxed schedules and time together!

Eleanor played volleyball.

We went to Busch Gardens.

We had fun laughing at some of Eleanor's school work (that is sad, but sometimes true).

Rosie fell asleep in some interesting places.

We've spent time at the pool.

We got free smoothies for the first day of summer.

Ben and Rosie have been playing together better.

We've taken bike rides.

Ben and Rosie (and the girls!) got new outfits from Grammy and Opa on their around the world cruise.

We celebrated Father's Day by hanging out at home and at the pool.

The kids played at home together, a lot.
(A rare picture of Rosie smiling while playing with Jane!)

Chris and I celebrated the summer solstice out on the river.

We've visited with friends.

Ben and Rosie had fun discovering rain.

We joined the summer reading program at the library.

Rosie has some awesome dance moves.

Onward to more summer...


LA-jan said...

Love those videos!

Patty said...

So many cute pictures! The video of Ben and Rosie...oh my, so wonderful!!

Dorothy said...

The videos are so cute. I was there with the rain dance! Loved it!