
Monday, July 29, 2019

VBS - The Greatest Adventure 2019

VBS was last week at our church and we had a GREAT time! I got to see Eleanor every day because she is now in the elementary age rotation (instead of the pre-K/nursery). I volunteered as the nurse for the week and we had a lot of fun learning from Tommy Trailmix, Nick Fearless, and Old Story. 

We played fun games in recreation...

The decorations were well done...

By the end of the week our crew was tired. See if you can spot Rosie in these pictures!
(Eleanor is in this sea of orange above.)

And their class pictures:


Patty said...

I know how much they look forward to VBS each year! Love the Nativity corridor! Those pics with Rosie - I'm still laughing!! God bless her!

Dorothy said...

Rosie is adorable! What a great adventure! E was easy to spot without her orange shirt on! I can see why the kids LOVE this week!