
Monday, August 5, 2019

July wrap-up

July was hot (as it always is in this area). We spent a ton of time at the pool.

Shug and Rachael came down to visit and we played at a splash pad.

The kids got tickets to We Rock the Spectrum from the library and played at the kids gym.

My mom came down for a day.

We had a going away party for some of our neighbors. We have loved this neighborhood!

The kids have been spending a lot of time sitting in the driveway (and maybe I forgot to mention - but a few months ago our Nissan died and we ended up buying an old Pilot - seen above in this picture).

My neighbor took the girls with them to Regal Summer Movies and Chick fil A.

I made a deep dish pizza one day after being inspired by my sister's cross country trip.

Ben and Rosie have been playing together a lot more recently.

Chris took on a new role as announcer at some of the swim meets.

The week and a half of the month was taken up by VBS and then our trip to my mom's house for vacation. It was a good month!

1 comment:

Dorothy said...

These updates are fantastic. What a great month! I love you guys!!!