
Thursday, August 22, 2019

Amazing Race: Williamsburg edition

This year Chris decided to put together an Amazing Race for my birthday. It was amazing! We all had to pick team colors and run around in groups of two solving puzzles or completing challenges to move on to the next phase. It was so much fun! 

There were 10 teams of 2, and about 10 or 11 volunteers to make this possible. There was a clue involving a tabula recta, quizzes where memorizing facts off of plaques was required, and simple tasks like counting electrical outlets while tied together in a three-legged race. It really was creative and fun and we can't wait to do it again!

We had volunteers watching all our kids...thank you!! And pizza and cupcakes at the end.

My teammate Lex and I came in first place!!

It was really very creative. Thank you SO much Chris for organizing this! It was so much fun!


Patty said...

Can't wait to hear more about this!!! Congrats Katie and Lex!!

Dorothy said...

So fun to watch and be a part of this party! Awesome planning Chris. Happy birthday Katie!!!