
Monday, August 26, 2019

Eleanor is SIX!

Our sweet firstborn is now SIX years old! She weighs 41.2 pounds (29th percentile) and is 46.25 inches tall (70th percentile and 70% of the way to my adult height). She will be starting first grade in just over a week. She has grown so much this past year. She learned to read back in October during the first few months of Kindergarten. She had a wonderful Kindergarten teacher (Mrs. Frackelton, and her assistant Mrs. Elliott) and absolutely thrived entering the school environment. She gained independence - we have occasionally allowed her to ride her bike in our neighborhood alone or with friends. She learned how to swim freestyle and backstroke across the pool this past summer. She (when she wants to be) is a great helper and kind to her siblings (and she isn't when she chooses not to be). She has started controlling her emotions better and has less tantrums, using words more to express her feelings. She lost one additional tooth this year (top right), and wants to be a ballerina when she grows up. Her favorite color is blue. She completely stopped napping this past year being at school, but still took a handful over the summer, and still does a "quiet" time with Jane every afternoon in their room during the summer and on weekends.

Most of the time Eleanor seems so grown up and independent, but every so often you catch a glimpse of the six year old she is. We love this girl and how hard she's trying to grow into her nature and personality and look forward to seeing her develop more in the years to come!

Eleanor started the day off with her birthday string and then Chris took her to Duck Donuts for a special birthday breakfast.

We had a birthday party at the park this year on her birthday - her first drop off party. She invited a few neighborhood friends, a church friend, and a swim team friend. They did an art scavenger hunt where they had to find clues and materials in nature to make a picture. They also got to decorate their own cupcakes. It ended up being very fun!

Happy 6th birthday Eleanor!!

Eleanor at onetwothreefourfivesixseveneightnineteneleventwelve, fifteen, and eighteen months old.
Eleanor at twothreethree and a halffour, and four and a half, and five years old.


Dorothy said...

Happy birthday you sweet wonderful 6 year old! That looked like a fun birthday party. Love those pictures!

Patty said...

Happy birthday to Eleanor! She is turning into such a lovely, kind, and smart young lady!! We couldn't love her more!! Love your creativity with the birthday party!!