
Monday, September 23, 2019

Farewell Sabre Drive

It is with a lot of bittersweet emotions that we left our home and decided to move (in town!) to a new house. Chris and I bought this house in St. George's Hundred a little over 6 years ago before we had any kids. I was pregnant with Eleanor at the time, but we had a couple months just the two of us living in this home before she was born. We brought all four of our kids home from the hospital to this house, they all learned to walk in this house, they all got their first goose eggs in this house, and we really felt like this was the first "home" we had together. We loved everything about it - it was perfect for us in our life stage. While we're excited to get more space and a fourth bedroom, it didn't make us any less sad to say goodbye to our first home.

Here is a final walk through tour of our empty house:

And a picture of our family in front of our gas fireplace:

The kids in Eleanor and Jane's room (our former guest room):

A final picture of us on the front stairs:

And Chris and me - 2013 vs. 2019:

We have loved this house as much as anyone could - but hopefully looking forward to a new, equally love-filled chapter in our new home. Thanks for the memories Sabre Drive!

1 comment:

LA-jan said...

Ah . .nice to have this to look back on. A new chapter for sure!