
Monday, November 18, 2019

Ben and Rosie's birthday

For Ben and Rosie's birthday this year we didn't have much in the way of plans. I had been out of town the weekend before and we had a bunch of stuff to get done on the house. Here was their last night as one year olds:

Of course we started their day off with balloons and their birthday string, though!

One of the first things Chris did when they turned two was rearrange the car seats. He couldn't wait for Ben and Rosie to be facing forward and Eleanor couldn't wait to move into a booster seat from a five point harness finally.

We went to the girls' last day of soccer that morning and then came home. It was so cold out!

Chris and I started some work on the backyard while the kids took naps. That night, Eleanor and Jane had friends come over (they hosted their first sleepover!) because I had offered to watch my friend's kids for the evening. Chris's sister in Richmond asked to come down and my sister and Uncle Benny came over, too so we could have enough people to play a game! Everyone came over around 5:30-6pm and the girls disappeared up into the bonus room for their sleepover. We had them come down to join us for cake before the babies went to bed, though! I had made a cake for our small group on Sunday but since people ended up coming over on their birthday, we did it then instead. I also did my best to get a picture of the babies in party hats for Grammy - but as you can see, they didn't love them!

 Group birthday pictures:

After cake, we put the babies and little girls to bed (Eleanor and her friend got to stay up later) and played a rousing game of Settlers. I don't think we've played since Jane was born! It was nice to have the big girls occupied with friends and the littles asleep.

Happy SECOND birthday Ben and Rosie! We love you so much!

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