
Thursday, November 14, 2019

Rosie is TWO years old!

Rosie is two years old! She weighs 25 pounds, 8 ounces (34th percentile) and is 32 inches tall (14th percentile and 48% of the way to my adult height). Her head circumference is 19 inches. She is definitely our feistiest child. Like Eleanor, she strives for independence at every turn. She hates the stroller, preferring to walk everywhere, always at her own pace. She can throw a tantrum like no one else. She loves her big sisters and loves to be included. She (and Ben) both still have their pacifiers and are still nursing. I never realized how much harder it is to wean and break pacifier habits when there are two (and two older, who are very loud and demanding). We've kept the pacifier longer with these two simply for our ears and our sanity, but we know breaking the habit is coming soon. Rosie also sleeps well, but not as much as her brother. Her sleep schedule is the same as his, but she wakes up earlier every time. She has the same "tell" as Eleanor though when she is tired - she pinches her neck. Rosie is not as sensitive as her brother, and loves the bath more than he does. She has most of her teeth. She also talks so much and is putting together at least 3 word sentences and concepts already. It is very impressive and so fun to watch!

Eleanor and Jane at two for comparison.

Rosie at one, twothreefourfivesixseveneightnineteneleventwelvefifteen, and eighteen months old.


Dorothy said...

Happy birthday Rosie!! Love you!!!

Patty said...

Happy birthday Rosie! We love you so much and love seeing you grow! LOVE your personality!

Patty said...

Also...Jane's curly here compared to the other 3!!!