
Monday, December 23, 2019

More Christmas activities

This year for the first time, I decided to make a popcorn-cranberry string for our tree. It was a great activity one evening for me while Chris was watching Monday Night Football. The only downside has been that Rosie is interested in eating the popcorn on the strand off the tree. There are a few sparse places now on the string!

Our small group had our annual "knick-knack exchange" where we essentially do a white elephant exchange with random stuff we find in our house. It's always hilarious and relatively interesting. We took a group picture while we were there though, too!

Jane had a field trip to a nursing home where her class sang songs and handed out holiday cards. It was very sweet.

A couple of our neighbors had a bake sale in the front of our neighborhood to make some money to buy Christmas presents and we rode our bikes over to visit! They let the girls help out a bit, too.

We decorated cookies with our old neighbors.

Also, I found this fun present wrapped under the tree. Chris asked her, "What about me?" and she said, "What about you? Mommy is my favorite family member!" Haha! And yes, she loves Chris tons.

I love the month of December!

1 comment:

Dorothy said...

The popcorn cranberry string looks great! So many fun events this month! Love E's gift!