
Monday, December 2, 2019

November wrap-up

November was surprisingly cold for this area, but we still had a good month and were able to get outside a lot.

We spent time at our neighborhood park.

We voted!

We enjoyed Colonial Williamsburg.

We had lots of bedtimes.

We took lots of baths.

We spent time at the river.

All four kids had annual doctor's appointments.

Ben and Rosie continued to have a beautiful friendship.

Rosie learned how to unbutton her clothes.

We had a baby band one day in the nursery!

Eleanor started playing more with dominoes.

We went to see The Nutcracker.

We decorated our Christmas tree!

I wanted to share this video of the babies saying "milk" just to remember for myself. For some reason they've always said it with an "n" instead of an "m." I've been trying to correct them but they still say "mmmm-nosh!" (Ben) and "mmm-noke!" (Rosie).

The two most notable things that happened in November - the arrival of our first niece (and cousin for the kids!) and Thanksgiving coming soon!

1 comment:

Dorothy said...

These pictures are all so cute! It was a good month!