
Monday, January 6, 2020

Celebrating Christmas (part 1)

Christmas this year was so fun - maybe the most relaxing Christmas we've had since having kids (which is seven Christmases if anyone is keeping count). I think it's because we finally took a year off of traveling at the holidays, but through the travel generosity of our families, we were still able to see most of our family throughout our time off. On top of that, Chris took a couple extra vacation days and we were able to have two weeks off together. It was also our first Christmas in our new house.

Despite being a great time there were still lots of sibling the one where Ben found Jane's gingerbread house and ate a corner off of it before she caught him.

We went caroling in our old neighborhood with our past neighbors.

And my favorite "tradition" that we started at least last year was a walk in Colonial Williamsburg on Christmas Eve to see all the decorations. This year, both Uncle Benny, Antelope, Bonnie, Uncle Rob, and Auntie Mollie were able to join us! What a gift.
We took a couple pictures in front of the Governor's Palace.

And then headed home to give the babies a chance to nap and get ready for church. We went to the early candlelight service and got to see our aunties and uncles and all our friends there, too!

We headed home for bedtime - and put cookies and milk out for Santa! The girls sprinkled reindeer food on the lawn, we read books, we attempted our pyramid picture and the kids got to open a present.

The next morning we took our first stair picture! Since we've never had stairs before...

We did stockings...

...and opened gifts. Rosie was the most excited this year. She loved opening presents and was so excited for everything!

The girls' big gift was desks.

We also got a big tent!

We made a mess in the house but it was wonderful.

That afternoon, our new cousin Bonnie and her family came over for dinner. We attempted our first roast beef and it was pretty good! Still room for improvement, though.

And true to form, I took too many pictures so I'll continue Christmas in another post.

1 comment:

Dorothy said...

I love this! You guys live in such a wonderful town for Christmas. I love the girls desks and pictures! Love that it worked out so nice being home!