
Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Our Year in Review - 2019

This year was full of some wonderful memories and changes. We sold the only home all of our kids have ever known and spent the first two (or more) years of their lives in. We bought a new house and went through some major renovations - a house where we hope lots of new, fun memories and traditions will abound. Our family saw the end of the baby stage as Ben and Rosie learned to walk and turned two. Not much changed for Chris at work besides a few new responsibilities, but I, after much deliberation, resigned my job and am now home full time. Eleanor participated in summer swim for the first time and started first grade at a new school, making lots of new friends. Jane started her last year of preschool, has slightly better control of her big emotions (something that has been extremely challenging for the family and that we hope improves even more this coming year), and is genuinely a light wherever she goes - no one can look at her and not smile when she's smiling. Ben has an interesting personality - so sweet and cuddly one minute, and loud and a ball of righteous emotion the next. He knows how to throw one massive tantrum (though it is very rare!), is in a hitting stage, throws every toy, cup, fork, ball he can find, and makes huge messes. But he also loves playing with a baby doll and doling out hugs and kisses. Rosie continues to be our loudest child, independent to a fault, stubborn, but also very funny. She loves to sing and dance and loves every second her sisters include her in their play. She's our earliest riser and does things in her own time and way.

(For past years, click the following links: 2018201720162015, 2014, 20132012, 2011, 2010

January: We celebrated New Year's Eve early and New Year's Day with a special friend. The kids learned to do a few new tricks and we had sickness blow through our house. We attended lots of basketball games and I Marie Kondo-ed my clothes. Jane learned to ride a bike!

February: The kids' school pictures came in. Eleanor celebrated Read across America week at school. We attended a bridal shower for Mollie and the girls got to pick out their wedding shoes! Ben worked hard to catch up physically and the babies started using the trampoline. We celebrated Valentine's Day, spent a warm day at the park, and went to lots of birthday parties. The babies competed in the Diaper Derby at a basketball game!

March: We spent time at the river, took a hike on the Bassett Hall Trail. Chris went to VIP day at school with Jane and Ben made lots of messes. I went to Charlottesville with my sisters-in-law and our car bit the dust on my way home.

April: Eleanor had spring break and Auntie Lo visited from San Diego. She also had a library field trip and Shug came for a visit. Rob and Mollie got married and the girls were flower girls! Chris was the best man. We got to spend time showing family around Jamestown. We celebrated Easter and Jane had a pageant at school!

May: Jane finished preschool and the kids created a lot of art. My sister moved here! Ben and Rosie got bigger and Ben started walking! Eleanor attended her first father-daughter dance at school. The weather got nicer and we enjoyed the river again. We went strawberry picking and dedicated Ben and Rosie at church for Mother's Day.

June: We visited Chris' parents and Jane learned to swim. Eleanor had an end of year show and finished her Kindergarten year. We hung out on the back porch and Eleanor had her first ever swim meet!

July We celebrated the fourth of July and I had a weekend away with my college roommates and the kids stayed with Chris. We did VBS at church and hung out with our small group. Jane learned to swim a little better and we went to Busch Gardens with family. The kids did a lot of art.

August: Eleanor wrapped up her first season of swim team! We bought our new house (pre-renovation tours here) and started the renovation process. Chris threw me an Amazing Race birthday party and it was awesome! We took a trip up to my mom's house for a week.Eleanor turned six!

September: We celebrated Labor Day weekend at the pool and getting ready for a new school year. We moved into our new home and sold our old home. Ben had his first visit to urgent care (on the same day as our closing). Eleanor and Jane started school. Jane turned four! Ben had his first hair cut. Small group started back up again for the fall.

October: We continued working on home renovations and settled into our new neighborhood. The babies grew up a bit and we celebrated W&M's Homecoming. We went to northern Virginia to celebrate Erika's baby shower and also celebrated my mom's birthday in Williamsburg. We went pumpkin picking and celebrated Halloween.

November: I went out of town on a small group girls weekend. The girls played soccerBen and Rosie turned two. We had a baby shower for my sister, and then Bonnie was born! We became aunt and uncle! We celebrated Thanksgiving and had snow in November for the first time since we've lived here (12 years all together!). 

December: We continued regular routines like school and bus stop, but had lots of Christmas-filled weekends and activities (like the annual Christmas parade and Grand Illumination). We started work on our backyard. We went to Christmas Town, Jane's Christmas pageant at school, and celebrated Christmas in Williamsburg with our families (here, here, and here).

We hope everyone had a full 2019 and wish a Happy New Year to all!

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