
Thursday, January 30, 2020

January wrap-up

January felt very full - we didn't take our Christmas tree down until January 12th - potentially the latest we've kept it up so far! It was time to go though because it was very dead. I think we kept things up later partially because our house still feels a little sterile as we find things to hang on the walls and furniture to fill the space. The Christmas tree gave such a nice ambiance to our family room! We also had a spate of days in the 70s early in the month before it turned consistently cold so we got outside a bit more than usual for this time of year.

Eleanor and I got our pictures taken with her school's mascot.

We went to Moe's one night for dinner on their kids-eat-free night and Rosie stole my burrito! She probably ate about 50% of it.

The women in our small group had a girls night where we walked around Colonial Williamsburg and then went to Mellow Mushroom.

We enjoyed the warm weather at our neighborhood park.

We got to babysit Bonnie which was a JOY!

The girls put our popcorn string outside after we took the tree down and laid a trap so that squirrels would not steal the popcorn from the birds.

Eleanor got to attend a friend's birthday party at the WISC. She was the youngest (by 3 years!) but had a great time and was able to keep up pretty decently.

The girls' sweet friends visited from their new home in North Carolina.

Jane's class had a fun pajama party.

Indoor soccer started for the girls.

We enjoyed lots of fun bath time.

We've also had some fun sibling love.

The kids had a pajama picnic dinner one night.

We visited Eleanor for lunch at school, and stayed for recess. Ben was a hit on the playground.

We went to a Tribe basketball game.

I did a 20 mile ride one Saturday in preparation for a longer ride I'm planning with friends.

We played outside with chalk.

The month had a lot of random days off school due to holidays and teacher work days, we had lots of visitors, and also lots of sickness. It seemed like we needed that entire month to finally get back into a rhythm after the holidays.

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