
Monday, February 3, 2020

Cousin time

My sister went out to eat with her husband on her birthday and we got to have an evening with Bonnie! Chris was busy that night so I was 1:5 for bedtime - quite and adventure!! The girls particularly wanted to spend time with Bonnie, but Rosie and Ben were no less enthralled with her.

First we read a chapter of our current read aloud book.

Bonnie started fussing, and Eleanor insisted on holding her and "patting her bottom" to make her feel better. She's seen Uncle Benny do this, so she is now the expert! It is so sweet.

Then prayer time on Jane's bed!

Then bed time! Rosie was already skeptical being in Ben's bed instead of her own, but then when I laid Bonnie down, she was very concerned about her sleep. But it certainly made for a cute picture!

We had a great time with this very sweet cousin, and now she is awake so much that the girls are getting even more excited to play with her!

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