
Thursday, January 16, 2020

New Years

I'm still reflecting on 2019, and really the last decade. It's been a lot of change for us, a lot of great change, and also a lot the same. I may post about some of my past goals and future goals and thoughts on the last year (or maybe not, it'll depend on whether I find the time!), but figured I would at least post about our New Years. On New Years Eve we spent some time down at the water. 

That night we had friends over - the older girls stayed up until 9! And the adults played board games. Everyone ended up going home before midnight (we all have early risers) and Chris and I went to bed sometime between 11 and midnight. I was actually still up reading to ring in the new year, though!

The next morning we decided to take a hike on the Bassett Hall Trail.

We headed back to our neighborhood to witness (but not participate in, at least this year!) the 12th annual Polar Plunge. We stayed warm and dry drinking hot chocolate.

That afternoon after naps we took a bike ride to enjoy the nice day.

It was a great way to ring in the New Year. Onward to 2020!

1 comment:

Dorothy said...

What a beautiful end of 2019 and start to 2020! Can't believe your community does the polar plunge...Wow!