
Monday, January 20, 2020

Decade reflection

The last decade was marked by a lot of change for our family. I found this post (so me focused!) from the last decade change and figured I would recreate it a bit for kicks, but even doing so proved difficult, because the decade before I was still mostly "just me" married to Chris and now our lives are so inextricably entwined that it is hard to pull myself out of the mix anymore. For better or for worse I believe is the saying. So I included some of Chris in it, too. For example, we both graduated from college the decade before, but we mostly did that on our own. Our graduations this decade were both family affairs, with support and sacrifice coming from all sides. How can those graduations belong to just one of us when the effort was put forth by all?

2 towns (Farmville, Williamsburg)
6 homes (house and apartment in Farmville, house sit in Williamsburg, townhouse in Williamsburg, the first house we've owned, and just under the buzzer, our new home)
jobs (Care partner at VCUHS and RN at SWRMC, plus I did adjunct faculty for TNCC for a very short while. Chris worked at H-SC, Longwood, and 2 different departments at William and Mary, though the positions have changed, which may count for more)
cars owned (the Nissan Altima, Chris' Grand Prix, and our current cars, the van and Pilot)
graduations (nursing school for me, Chris finished his MBA)
1 spouse (hallelujah!)
10 anniversaries (hallelujah again!)
4 kids
0 pets
1 country visited (Mexico. Can it be?? We have traveled internationally so little since having kids! Goal for the upcoming years...we hit lots of states though!)
472 books read (I realized as I was writing this that I started tracking books through Goodreads in January 2010 because I was reading through this list starting that year. I checked back through and I logged that many books between January 2010 and December 2019 - crazy!)

Reflecting on the above I feel like it belittles and simplifies what richness of life we have here. We have amazing family and an amazing community. We have belonging, accountability, love, choice, abundance.  I am looking forward to so much more of all of that in this upcoming decade, maybe with a little less volatility, a few fewer diapers, and maybe (? hopefully?) the same view out our back window for a little while. 

1 comment:

Dorothy said...

I say....Life is good!!! Great way to reflect on it all.