
Thursday, February 13, 2020

Artwork at the new house

We decided to come up with a new system for artwork since the girls share a room and they both wanted to put their artwork on their door. We decided to hang it over their desks instead!

Eleanor: Eleanor has been working hard at school and brings home tons of projects. Some of my favorites include her canary in a cage on the bottom row, her cat drawing (bottom right) that she got to turn in to stickers, and her book collage (top left).

Jane: Jane made a snowy day picture (top left) when studying that book in school, and a couple of robots (top middle) while studying robots in preschool. I also love her angel (bottom left).

So far we've enjoyed this way of displaying art because the girls can hang it up themselves and also take it down. It gives them a little more ownership in the process.

1 comment:

Dorothy said...

I love the independence you encourage in all your kids. Love this idea!