
Thursday, February 6, 2020

Virginia War Museum

Eleanor had a day off of school one day and we decided to head down to the Virginia War Museum for "kid's day." They had some activities for kids, like a scavenger hunt, a SWAT truck, things they could try on, and a battle demonstration where they could launch grenades and shoot nerf guns at a "military display." The girls had a good time, and so did Ben. Rosie had an epic meltdown for what seemed like forever, but overall things went smoothly.

Took this picture - 1st Wolfhounds squadron! This was from Vietnam.

Ben watching Jane shoot at the nerf range.

Ben, Jane, and Eleanor took turns launching grenades.

Playing in the SWAT truck.

Overall it was a great activity for the day. The only thing I didn't really understand was that they also had a petting zoo from the SPCA inside the museum, and then a ton of people dressed up in Star Wars outfits and a real live R2-D2. I really didn't understand those parts...

1 comment:

Dorothy said...

You do find the fun things to do. Poor Rosie with her epic melt down... You always handle it so well!