
Thursday, March 19, 2020


Well I know this seems a bit crazy now, but the weekend before last my sisters-in-law and I flew out to Colorado to visit our other sister and our new niece Tessa! It was a very quick visit on the ground (about 48 hours), but we packed a lot in and I was SO glad for the opportunity to go and meet this sweet girl. Now that COVID-19 has picked up steam we would not have been able to go even a week later so I am grateful for the timing of this trip.

We headed out very, very early in the morning on a Saturday and landed in Colorado around 9:30 am their time.

We did a whole lot of this:

We also ate a whole lot of Jonathan's homemade bread.

One afternoon Erika took us over to Wash Park to walk. It was beautiful! The weather we had that weekend was truly amazing.

We facetimed with cousins...Ben particularly was enchanted by Tessa.

And we went out for street tacos and margaritas.

The next day we hiked in Boulder at Chautauqua to see the flatirons. It was short but beautiful. Some of the trails were covered in ice and slush though so we tried to be careful.

We walked around Boulder at their outdoor mall area...

And we went to Breckenridge Brewery after a delicious lunch at Post and after swinging by New Terrain Brewing Company where it was completely packed with no parking.

Then unfortunately it was time to say our goodbyes to Tessa...and Erika and Jonathan.

And head back to D.C. very early Monday morning.

Like I said, it was a great trip and we packed a lot in for it being a short turn around time, but I think we were all so grateful to go. It was hopefully the first Stratton sister trip of many to come.

AND on the homefront: Chris was still on one leg so my sister took the kids for part of the day Saturday to do the Home Depot workshop and hang out playing at the playground.

The girls used their binoculars all week and even brought them to school.

Gaby came down to help on Sunday and got to watch Eleanor get presented with her Bible along with all the other 1st graders at church.

I'm sure Chris very much appreciated her help (and I know the girls appreciated the ice cream they got to have for lunch!).

Everyone survived, and thrived, and even made it to school on time Monday morning.


Dorothy said...

Wow you did a LOT in a short time! Glad the timing worked out so you could go and everyone seemed to enjoy the weekend!

Dorothy said...

AND Tessa is such a doll!!!

Patty said...

I'm so glad you all had such a wonderful sister trip to Colorado!! You made it just in time!!

Patty said...

And I'm glad I was able to make it down there just in time!!