
Thursday, March 26, 2020

Homeschooling - week 1

We, like the rest of the state and many others, are currently homeschooling as the public schools have shut down. Obviously these are unprecedented times, but we are trying to make the most of it. Our general days the first week involved waking up to a morning activity, and then fitting in Eleanor reading for 30 minutes and writing for 30ish minutes. We tried to throw some math in there, but weren't thrilled with the math activities the school sent home, so this week I picked up a math curriculum from a friend who homeschools and we'll try to do a little bit of math every day. Other than that, we've been getting outside on nature walks, scavenger hunts, playing at the beach, and doing crafts - we painted rocks this week. In fact, one day last week, Eleanor and Jane spent from 10 am to 6 pm outside except for a 30 minute snack break. It was great! This week the weather doesn't look quite as nice.

We are also doing reading and writing and basic math lessons with Jane who doesn't want to be left out. I'm very impressed with how far she has come reading! She can read quite a bit (assisted) but gets tired of flexing that brain muscle quickly. Her reading lessons end up being about 5 minutes, and she writes/colors for about 10-15. 

Activities this week included making a leprechaun trap (Happy St. Patrick's Day!), macaroni tracing and counting, watercolors, map drawing, and creating a school song and mascot.

The girls got little animals to join them on their adventures...

We did a lot of outdoor stuff. Hiking at Freedom Park...

Hiking the Greensprings Trail...

We're watching our daffodils come up in the front yard. Thanks, mom!

Spending lots of time in the hammock...


We discovered a birds nest in our garage with 5 eggs in it! Much to Chris' dismay we left it alone.

And we've spent quite a bit of time at our neighborhood beach.

Other activities include math games with cards, and on the rainy days, recess inside. Thanks Cosmic Kids Yoga, Go Noodle, and other videos like Kidz Bop dance.


Dorothy said...

Great job teaching! The kids are lucky to have you put so much into their new school experience. It looks like you are a pro!

Patty said...

I'm so impressed. These are such challenging times and I love your creativity. So thankful you moved into such a big house and you have your beach!

LA-jan said...

👍👍You are amazing! Those kids are not missing out on anything!