
Thursday, April 30, 2020

April wrap-up

April. Well. I don't think any month can feel as long as it seemed March lasted. April has also felt long, but it has felt fun, too. We have been loving our freedom in spring without a school and preschool schedule. I forgot how much I like Spring weather (minus the pollen, of course). It's still mostly cool or cold, but the sun is out and we're able to stay outside for hours without getting hot. The other major downside has been a sharp decrease in community. We attend church in our living room alone (though our church has been doing a fun interactive digital foyer the last couple weeks!), we do school alone, we have to avoid most neighbors while outside walking and biking, etc. Overall though, we love having Chris at home, and Eleanor, and Jane, and we have been having a great time getting outside.

Rosie has been learning to pedal a bike.

 We've been trying to think of new activities to keep the kids occupied at home. This one - races around the house - was Chris' idea. 

I made my own jam after running out of the previous batch I made about a year ago.

Ben learned how to open the pantry and has been eating all the open graham crackers when no one is looking and returning the empty packaging to the box. It's so funny! 

Our neighbors cut down a tree with some help and it almost hit their house. It was definitely a little stressful, but it was also rotted straight through, so a good thing they got it down quickly.

Rosie eating an apple.

Our neighborhood is participating in the bear hunt and one neighbor has put two giant bears in their front yard and changed the scene every day. They are so creative! Birthday bears, baking, hanging in trees, playing video games, fishing, etc. are some of the scenes.

I've been working on puzzles and Ben took my puzzle apart the other day. I was so upset!

Ben helped Chris work from home in his bedroom office the other day.

We've tried to facetime and Marco Polo with family. I still think our kids are the worst at this. They fight over the phone and constantly scream "I can't see!" Definitely a down side to all this.

We've done experiments using color.

Chris has made huge progress walking again.

We got our playset set up in the backyard.

The kids have continued loving their morning activity as part of homeschool.

I've been enjoying our neighborhood. I'm so grateful to live here!

Bonnie came by for a social distance visit!

Maybe most exciting news of the month...we bought a trampoline! It's been a huge hit so far!

We've spent tons of time hiking various trails and routes.

Rosie and daddy have been spending special time together.

Overall the month has been very positive. I can't say we've ever spent more time outside. Even before we had school to contend with (3 years ago now with preschool), our kids were so little so doing long outings was difficult. We are really enjoying the change of pace, but also sad for the reason.


Patty said...

Wow, such a great post with so many positive things! Love your great attitude! We miss you all terribly!

LA-jan said...

Great activities! We put the Zoom screen on the TV screen for better viewing with a group!
Love the Rosie/Chris pic!

Dorothy said...

Oh this is all so wonderful! I love the "morning school project". Love the pic of Chris and the Rosie and the end and his timed runs:) And I had no idea Rosie is already pedaling! So many wonderful things happening. Love you guys!

Dorothy said...

And the neighbors bear's so cute!!!