
Thursday, April 16, 2020


Easter was very different this year! 

Since we did church at home for Palm Sunday, the girls made their own palm leaves. This was the first year Jane was going to be able to process into church waving palm branches, so we did it at home instead. That afternoon we rode our bikes to friends houses in our neighborhood and stood on their front lawns saying "Hosanna in the highest!"

We dyed eggs (I didn't actually hard boil them and it worked out okay!) and made videos for our church that were included in our Easter service.

We made Easter tombs on Saturday, and the kids had lots of fun making them outside while Chris was grilling.

On Easter, we also did church at home while eating cinnamon rolls. I tried a new recipe that the kids seemed to like better than the ones I made this past Christmas. The kids enjoyed seeing themselves and lots of other kids from our small group in the online service.

I also tried my hand at a lemon meringue pie this year, which was somewhat difficult to get right.

We did an Easter egg hunt in our backyard after the kids found their Easter baskets.

Our neighbors are the grandparents of a family in our small group, so we got to social distance with some friends.

We also had baby birds (3!) born in the nest off our back porch!

Then the kids got to do confetti eggs, courtesy of Antelope and Uncle Benny. They left a little package on our doorstep along with an adorable card from Bonnie!

Happy Easter!!


Lauren said...

I need your empty tomb recipe! That is such a cool idea! We can't wait for Bonnie to be able to do an egg hunt with all the cousins next year <3

Dorothy said...

Happy Easter!!! Good food and good fun!

Patty said...

Love this post and all you did to keep Easter normal! Love the baby birds! All the pics are precious. Miss you all so much!

LA-jan said...

I've tried so many cinnamon roll recipes and I know you do them all the time for holidays. Please, I need your recipe!
Darling post!