
Monday, May 18, 2020

Mother's Day

This year for Mother's Day we spent a lot of time outside. We went down to Colonial Williamsburg on Saturday (it was very cold and we had to take our winter jackets) and walked around. They had repaved Duke of Gloucester street and apparently it has to cure for many months before they put the cobblestones back on. It definitely has a different feel right now.

We also explored a new little trail down there. Ben and Rosie were tired and kind of fussy, but otherwise it was a really nice trail!

My mom had come down for the weekend to help Lauren with some projects at their new house and on Sunday morning, she came over to spend the day with us. We started out with our church service. The digital foyer was so cute that morning - they had recorded kids (of all ages!) talking about their moms. It was very sweet.

We biked the island.

When we got home, Ben and Rosie took a nap and we walked down to the beach. I thought it would be a quick stop by we stayed for quite awhile because it was so nice down there!

Then Chris made some ribs and we had a delicious dinner before my mom headed back home after a very productive weekend.

Happy Mother's Day. It was very sweet to be able to spend the day with my mom since we haven't been able to see her in awhile. Thanks, Mom for coming down, being an awesome mom, and for giving of your time and expertise to us when we need it! We all love you very much and you deserve to be celebrated! And thank you to all the other special moms in our lives, particularly Gaby, Grammy, and my sister and sister-in-law!


Dorothy said...

Happy Mother's Day to you too! It was a treat to see you on Mother's Day. You are an amazing mom!!!!

LA-jan said...

Great pics! What a nice mom's day!