
Thursday, May 14, 2020

Planting a little garden

There were a couple little garden boxes in our backyard. I wasn't going to plant anything this year because it tends to be more work than I have the capacity for right now in this stage and I'm not actually sure what's growing at this house since we haven't been here through a spring or summer yet, but Eleanor was doing a unit on plants for school and she really wanted to plant a garden, so we cleared out one of the small boxes and got a couple of plants. We'll see how they go!

The girls found earthworms while we were digging.

And here is the finished product: tomatoes, beans, peppers, rosemary, basil, and cilantro. We also planted a blueberry bush. We'll wee what if anything comes up!


Dorothy said...

Fun project for the girls! Good luck!!

LA-jan said...

Great job! Hope they do well, great learning lesson!