
Thursday, June 4, 2020

May wrap-up

May was not nearly as long as March or April seemed this year. We spent a ton of time outside, finished up school for both Eleanor and Jane (virtually, of course), and Eleanor, Jane, and I all completed a mileage challenge for the month of May with our sisters-in-law/aunties and Gaby. Eleanor finished with a grand total of 130.06 miles, Jane with 107.42, and me with 251.36. The miles included biking, walking, and running.

We hiked a lot and Eleanor found a frog.

Ben and Rosie did a lot of coloring while we did school work.

Tons of biking happened this month.

Lots of time on the trampoline occured.

We participated in a drive by birthday party.

Daddy did a lot of work on the yard with everyone "helping."

Eleanor led some field trips.

We found a snake and I was pretty horrified.

More beach and biking.

We did a facetime workout video with family.

Ben has been covering his ears for loud noises.

More beach (since the pools still aren't open.

More biking, this time at the Glasshouse on Jamestown Island.

I found Eleanor reading to everyone on the stairs.

I made homemade poptarts.

Daddy-daughter breakfast date

Ben has been helping me unload the dishwasher.

I biked the Colonial Parkway from our house to Colonial Williamsburg and back - about 25 miles.

Fun times on the back porch.

Snuggles with Rosie.

Jane's last Zoom with her class, an ice cream party!

Our garden got eaten by deer so now we put a fence around it.

Puzzle #3 of quarantine.

Playing at one park that wasn't closed.

My two sets of twins. Eleanor & Rosie and Ben & Jane - both in looks and personalities!

Playing at the Jamestown High School  track with matching pants.

Marine got flooded with high tides this month.

Ben has been sneaking snacks and learned how to open the pantry by himself!

Jane's school left her a little surprise in her front yard!

Stylish kids in their matching sunglasses.

Morning snuggles.

The kids made some painted rocks this month.

Rosie wanted a picture of her feet.

 A bike ride with just my girls!

It was a great month and we were most thankful for the mild weather. I am really hoping it continues into June, even though it doesn't look like it will. Officially we are now in summer mode. We'll have to see how this goes!

1 comment:

Dorothy said...

What an active group! Congrats on the mileage milestones!