
Monday, August 31, 2020

August wrap-up

August was wonderful. There was a slew of rainy days which cooled the weather off decently but it was still hot enough to swim. Swim team continued at a much more casual pace and we started getting some of our curriculum in for school this year and trying a few lessons out here or there. Life is still different, but we are certainly settling in. 

We still spent most days at the pool

Church continues to meet outside.

Naptime is a God-send to me!

Eleanor climbed to the top of this play structure the other day after some kid told her no one was able to get up there.

Rosie loves making sand castles.

Eleanor got sealants put on her teeth.

We've been finding tons of crabs on our street recently!

We had a storm come through and knock power out recently. It also knocked the swim rope in down at the river.

Eleanor has been doing a virtual book club through the summer with her Kindergarten teacher and some friends. It has been wonderful!

We've spent time in Colonial Williamsburg.

Chris started tearing out all the overgrown bushes in front of our house. We are going to plant some new things in the coming months, but for now, those 30 year old bushes that couldn't be cut back far enough anymore are gone.

We got to go tubing at a friend's house, and the girls got to jump off their dock and swim in the river.

As far as summers go, this summer was probably more "normal" for us than for most, minus indoor library trips and casual play time with friends. It pushed us to the pool far more often than last year, but that led to some super proficient swimmers! While we had a lot of fun, I'm ready for the seasons to change and to start getting into a school rhythm, which we'll begin after Labor Day. 

1 comment:

Dorothy said...

Those were some big jumps! Eleanor took the bait...she made it to the roof! Cute pictures of online book club and can't wait to see the front of your house!