
Thursday, August 27, 2020

Eleanor's birthday

 Eleanor had trouble sleeping the night before her birthday because she was so excited to turn seven. She came out of her room at least three times saying "I don't know why my body won't let me sleep!" It was so cute.

The night before we made TONS of cupcakes to take to the pool to share with her friends.

She also helped decorate her cake for her party the night of her birthday.

The last picture I have with my six year old...though we shared plenty more sweet moments that evening while she couldn't sleep.

She woke up bright and early on her birthday to do the birthday string and open her presents!

Then she went on a daddy-daughter date to Duck Donuts and Kidsburg!

Off to the pool in the early afternoon to share cupcakes with friends!

And the back to the house. We got to spend some time with Antelope, Uncle Benny, and Bonnie before her friends came over at 5:30 for pizza and cake.

They were able to stay and hang out for quite awhile! Bonnie did great napping upstairs in the guest room and then hanging til basically bedtime after a big afternoon at the pool!

Eleanor had quite the agenda for her friends. She decided she wanted to play sardines... pizza... cake!

Rosie almost fell asleep while eating her cake...

Open a few gifts...

And do some craft time. They also jumped on the trampoline and had a dance party.

First night as a SEVEN year old!! Can't believe it...


Dorothy said...

Happy birthday Sweet E! You put on quite a party for your friends. What a fun day!

Patty said...

She seemed so happy when we spoke with her. What a fun birthday for our sweet girl!